3 weeks down and 3 more to go plus a day. Next Wednesday I will be the paid sub for my mentor teacher, and then the following week I will be the sub all week. I pray that everything will go well in the classroom.
This past week I was called Grandma and Dad on a few different occasions in the classroom. It's so funny. All I do is stare at the student and wait for them to correct themselves.
It was exciting to see our little Thomas yesterday. We are happy because doc says that he is breathing good. We even got to see him chewing, one of his new tricks he has learned in the past few weeks.
Bible study is going well. We are on week 4 of the study. :) Last week we went to Homer to hear a Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free seminar.
Here's the newest from baby Thomas. Sorry the last two ultrasounds didn't make it onto our blogs...the tape didn't work quite right so they couldn't be posted. On Tuesday January 27th, we'll only have 9 more weeks. It is an exciting thought. We can't wait to meet Baby Thomas. A lot has happened in the last 6 weeks. It is amazing to think that there are only 11 weeks until a new member joins our family. We all can't wait! Baby Thomas should be 14-16 inches long and weighing up to 3 pounds already. :) Please pray that he continues to grow healthy. |
August 2013
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