Some pictures below are pictures of Thomas, Talia and Adam setting up a dresser for Baby #3. They are good helpers. :)
Happy Birthday Adam! His birthday was actually on the 11th. We made him a train pumpkin spice cake. We are thankful for another year with Adam and happy to celebrate the day of his birth.
Some pictures below are pictures of Thomas, Talia and Adam setting up a dresser for Baby #3. They are good helpers. :)
Talia and I leave in a week! I think I am ready to have a baby. I love how everyone wants to know how I am doing and how I am feeling when I am pregnant.
Tonight the kids and I swept and mopped the floor. Talia washed more baby clothes while the boys were at school. We also took a nap. What will life be like with 3 kids, and under the age of 3? Good thing Thomas' birthday is end of March, and then we will just have 3 kids...and I keep telling myself that Talia will be 2 1/2, and she is mature for her age. I think it will be good. And I am reminded God is good, all the time. I love hearing Thomas and Talia talk to each other. Usually they play nice. For the past couple of weeks we have been potty training Talia. She is finally catching on, and loves her jelly beans as a reward.
Today it is cold outside! I don't feel like leaving the house, if I could I would stay in bed all day. I sorted through some old baby clothes we have saved from when Thomas was litte. It was so much fun going down memory lane. I can't believe that this baby will be that tiny! Now all we have to do is wait. Shirleen London and Adam London's
Baby Registry Time is going by way too fast. I am 35 weeks pregnant. Talia and I will be traveling to Anchorage on Jan. 29 to wait for the arrival of our sweet baby #3. Above is a link to our baby registry. We feel incredibly blessed already with all that God has given us. We saved stuff from when Thomas was a baby. Diapers is one of our greatest needs, as a Costco sized box at the local store can cost over $70. I will share pictures soon after baby is born. His due date is Feb. 18. Adam and Thomas won't be joined us in Anchorage until Feb. 7. I pray the baby won't come any sooner. |
August 2013
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