1. Become a village pastor
2. Go on mission trips to Russia
3. Visit China
4. Visit Japan
5. Learn to play guitar better
6. Learn to play piano better
7. Lean Inupiaq better
8. Get in better physical shape
9. Finish Seminary
10. Become licensed in the Covenant
11. Become ordained
12. Have more children
13. Teach my children to love and serve the Lord
14. Write the 125 year history of the Covenant in Alaska
15. Write a youth ministry manual for the village
16. Mentor a young Native who wants to do youth ministry
17. Regularly visit elders
18. Create a vibrant student leadership team
19. Be a part of getting youth back into the church
20. Pay off our house
21. Start saving for retirement (even though I don’t plan to retire…I plan to pastor until I am no longer able)
22. Take my children on mission trips
23. Visit Hawaii often
24. Buy a snow machine
25. Learn to fix small engines better
26. Learn to make ulus
27. Learn to hunt better
28. Learn more survival skills
29. Snow machine to other villages
30. Go on mission trips to other villages
31. Partner with other villages to do ministry
32. Be a part of getting young leaders to attend Alaska Christian College
33. Be a part of getting gifted young Natives to become pastors
34. Give financially to as many ministries as possible
35. Learn to be a better servant
36. Create more free time with my family
37. Plant a successful garden
38. Teach my children to fish
39. Teach my children to hunt
40. Teach my children to pick berries
41. Teach my children to survive in the wilderness
42. Teach my children how to serve others
43. Become a better shot at basketball
44. Become a better ping pong player
45. Spend more time in prayer
46. Spend more time reading the Bible
47. Spend more time talking with relatives
48. Spend more time alone
49. Be given a warm parka
50. Read all the books in my library
Whew! That was a lot harder than I thought! It turns out that even though I focus most of my time on thinking of the future, I usually think about only a few things at a time. I really had to work to get to 50 goals, and some were a real stretch. As I am much more detail oriented rather than vision oriented, I like to pick a few good goals and do all that I can to make them into a reality. Looking at my list, I see a few areas that stick out more than others. These are: growing more Godly, raising my children, and growing closer to the Native culture. As I look back at my list, I realize that I missed a very important goal, and that is to be a better husband. Of course, maybe I was thinking that I was already there. :-P