In this first entry, we are to determine a time, place, and method of journaling that will work best for us. For me, the best time is after the kids are asleep; sometime around 10pm. The best place will be anywhere not in front of a TV. The best method will be here on the computer, posting my entries on my blog to keep me accountable to make sure I am faithful in doing a weekly entry.
Additionally, we are to complete the phrases, “I remember…” and “I do not remember.” The instructions are open for interpretation. So I am just going to write and see what comes out.
I remember the first time I set foot in Unalakleet. It was 2001, right after Jr. High Fall Blast in Shaktoolik. We had just had an awesome weekend of ministry; my first in the Bush. This was my first taste of what God had called me to do with the rest of my life. As we got on the plane to return home to Alaska Christian College in Soldotna, we flew the 60 miles south to fuel up in Unalakleet. Curtis was with us. I remember me, Milan, George, Jeff, Curtis, and Lucinda were there. There were probably others too. As we fueled up, we walked into the airport building. I remember seeing the graveyard for the first time and looking out toward the houses in the village. After spending the weekend in Shaktoolik, I remember thinking that Unalakleet was huge. I remember wondering what it would be like to live there. As we entered the building, we were greeted by many people, including Curtis’ parents. I remember them especially because they gave Curtis a huge King salmon to bring back to ACC. I bet it was 40 lbs. easy. It was frozen whole and wrapped in a black trash bag. I remember thinking it must be fun to catch those. And now we are getting ready to head to Unalakleet as our new home. I wonder what new adventures await us.
I do not remember a more relaxing time in my life than the past three weeks. A trip to Hawaii and a trip to Chicago were an amazing time to be refreshed in this time of transition in our lives. Even though I can hardly wait to get to Unalakleet, I am thankful for the down time that God has given us as calm before the storm. I think I will be crazy busy this semester with a new ministry, full-time school, and a huge transition with my family. This will be my last full-time semester of classes though. After this I only have 3 classes left and a 6 week internship, location TBD. I know that with Jesus I can make it…with Jesus I know I can stand…no matter what may come my way…my life is in His hands. (That was a Gospel Choir song we used to sing).