This week I didn't spend any large chunks of time in intercessory prayer, but I hope to do that a few times throughout the semester. Instead, throughout the day as I walk to and from classes, or have 5-10 minutes free I have been offering up short prayers for family and friends. I've also been offering silent prayers up for people around that are physically around me that seem to be struggling. There is a prayer board in the Seminary that I stop and pray in front of a couple of times a day and also try to pray for a person or two that has sent us a Christmas card (which is taped to our apartment door). Lastly, I've taken note of and have enjoyed praying in groups this past week: this past week I prayed with others at prayer breakfast, class, and Bible Study. Shirleen and I had nursery duty on Sunday, so we didn't get to pray with the church...but we look forward to doing so this week.
This week we are going down to Chinatown to go to church and then celebrate Chinese New Year with a parade downtown. It will be fun to worship with the Chinese Believers and to notice how they pray.
Thanks for sharing prayer requests with me this semester. Keep sending them my's fun to be part of a Body in Christ that can intercede for one another. :-)