God sure is good to us.
It really doesn't make earthly sense that our monthy paycheck does not even cover out rent, and yet our bank account is larger now than it was when we arrived here at Seminary in August.
On Tuesday some anonymous friend put a letter in my student mailbox with an encouraging Bible verse and $60 cash. What a blessing! Since we have arrived here in Chicago, many people have sent us money randomly. God takes care of His children.
I am humbled to report, however, that when I saw the $60 in the envelope, I immediately thought of ways that we could use the money. When I got home and showed Shirleen, she had a very different response. She immediately thought of how we could use the money to bless others. What an awesome wife that I have.
How often do we think of money and possessions as OURS rather than GOD'S?
Thank you Lord for how you love us and provide for us!