I didn't feel like making a poem, so I made a rap. I wish I could rap it for you, but you'll just have to imagine me rapping as you read.
Peace out.
1 Kings 17
There once was bad man, his name was King Ahab
He spread wickedness across over all the land
God stepped in and sent His own prophet
“No more rain”, said Elijah, “God’s gonna stop it”
The rain stopped and Elijah fled
Ahab didn’t like it, ‘cause he wanted him dead
Elijah hid out in a deep ravine
But the brook gave water and the ravens gave feed
‘Til the brook dried all up with no water in his cup
Elijah heard God say to get up...on his way
To find a woman widow and to approach her, then say,
“Please give me a drink and some bread to eat”
But the woman responded, “I have almost no wheat”
“I have little oil, and with what that I have,
I plan on making a fire and dying with my lad.”
“Fear not!” said Elijah, “Go and do what you say,
But before you do, make for me first a bread cake”
The woman obeyed and death’s hand was stayed
God made it so the wheat and the oil was great
God multiplied the little she had
Elijah, the woman, and even the lad
Ate plenty and to God they were glad
But wait, what is this, the lad gets sick?
Breathing his last, against the woman’s wish
Crying out to Elijah, “What have you done?!”
“Have you brought judgment on me and my son?!”
Compassion did fill him, Elijah did pray
Taking the son, he carried him away
Crying out to God, “Bring life back to Him!”
The boy did sit up and began to breathe in.
The woman reacted with amazement and awe,
“A man of God is Elijah, I believe his words all!”
God’s grace is abundant, not just for these three
God wants to supply for both you and me.