Besides moving, I have been enjoying every second with my little ones. They sure keep me busy. Talia is just learning to smile when she sees us. I am sure that she will be giggling real soon. She just had her 2 month check up and she weighs in at 13 lb 8 ounces. She is alot heavier than Thomas at this age.
Thomas' vocabulary is increasing everyday. His favorite words are uh-oh, oh-no, go, no, mom, Tigger, woo-hoo, who-who (for train), dog, kiika (which means more in Inupiaq). He is very sweet and feel in love with Talia early on. The first time he held her he pulled down on her little ears and started making monkey noises. Yesterday I caught him trying to hold Talia without adult supervision. Good thing I was just in the kitchen watching him. He is also a super helpful big brother.
Since fall I have joined a mother's group at our local church. We get together every other Wednesday and have fellowship with our little kids and we are also reading The Mission of Motherhood together. I am also in a ladies Bible study. We are studying prayer together. I have been blessed by both.